To request items, you may
- Login to your online account and request items
- To Login to your account use your library card number (PIN is the last four digits of your phone number, unless you have changed it.)
- Call the library
- Ext. 1 Adults / Teens
- Ext. 2 Children / Teens
If you can NOT find items in the C/WMARS catalog, try the Commonwealth Catalog.
NOTE: Overdrive is going away. Patrons need to add the Libby App. The Librarians are more than happy to help you with Libby.
(New eBooks, eAudiobboks etc. are located under “Collections”)
Using the Libby App, you can look for books in all the networks in MA. You can use your CW MARS library card to borrow titles from these partner libraries: Boston Public Library, CLAMS, Merrimack Valley Library Consortium, Minuteman Library Network, NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange, Old Colony Library Network, and SAILS Library Network.
New eBooks & eAudioBooks
Spencer residents have priority on the new Spencer e-books and e-audiobooks.
Login to your account with your library card number (PIN is the last four digits of your phone number, unless you have changed it.)
Monthly Book Challenge
December: A well-reviewed book in your least favorite genre
Choose a book that fits the monthly challenge. If you’re stuck, consider visiting your local library for recommendations!
1. After you read your monthly choice, fill out a short form to tell us about the book. A link to the submission form can be found at challenge
2. Mass Center for the Book will host a year-end party to celebrate participants committed to the challenge. Additionally, if you complete all12 months of the reading challenge, you will be entered in a drawing to win 1 of 2 totes filled with books!
MA Book Challenge December 2024
Book Recommendations & More
Staff Recommendations: We Read It, We Watched It, We Loved It…
Take a look at books, movies, podcasts, Netflix shows…recommended by your library staff.
What’s Next: Books in Series
This collection helps readers search fiction series. A series is two or more books linked by character(s), settings, or other common traits. You can also search by author and title.
Sign up for a new library card
Visit the library at 508-885-7513 (ext. 1 adults, ext. 2 teens/children) to get a free library card.
You need the following: a picture ID with your current address. If your ID does not have a current address, bring a piece of mail, rental agreement, or mortgage
statement that has your name and address.
Sign up for program email lists
Available inside and outside near the library building.
WiFi Network = SpencerLib-patron
Password = SpencerLibrary
Borrow A Hot Spot (Free WiFi device)

A Hot Spot is a small, easy-to-use, mobile device that allows you to connect Wi-Fi enabled devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones to the internet.
Any person 18+ years old can borrow a Hot Spot with a library card in good standing.
You can borrow a Hot Spot for up to 2 weeks. If the device is overdue, it will be disabled until returned.
A Hot Spot is free to borrow and use.
- Hot Spots must be returned to the Richard Sugden Library, Spencer.
- Return Hot Spot in the Drop Box (located behind the library) and at the Library’s Main Desk.
- Return Hot Spot in its original case, with all of the accessories.
- Please fully charge the battery before you return the device.
Yes. Hot Spots can be reserved the following ways:
- The library catalog by using your library card number with no spaces. (Your password/PIN is the last four digits of your phone number unless you have changed it.)
- Email:
- Call the library at 508- 885-7513 (ext. 1)
No, but you can place a hold on a Hot Spot and be notified when it is available.
No, Hot Spots only work in the U.S.
What information about my internet usage, if any, is tracked by the library of the service provider?
The library does not have access to or collect specific usage data. The library does not provide patron information to the service provider. The library and the service provider do not monitor or track the websites that hotspot users visit or the information that users submit (such as user names, passwords, credit card information, etc).
Computers & Technology
- Windows Desktop Computers
- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel)
- iPad is available in the Children’s room with pre-loaded games for children
Print, Scan, Copy, & Fax
- Printing and copying are available: Black and White 10¢/page (available for copy machine and computers). Color 15¢/page (computer printing only).
- Fax machine is available for outgoing faxes only and is located on the Library’s main floor.
- Domestic faxes (including Canada): First page cost is $1.75 and $1.00/page thereafter up to 15 pages.
- International faxes: First page cost $3.95 and $3.45/page thereafter up to 15 pages.
- You need a credit or debit card to use the fax machine.
- Fax machine can also scan to email. Same fees apply.
Meeting & Study Rooms
Large Meeting Room is currently not available.
- Our meeting room provides space for library programs and community events up to 50 people. Quiet Study holds up to 6 people.
- Library programs have first priority.
- Groups utilizing the Library’s meeting rooms must adhere to the rules.
- Meeting Room must be reserved in advanced. Quiet Study may be reserved, but is not required.
The Meeting Room is available during regular library hours.
Meeting rooms are available for:
- Non-profit citizen’s groups – contact information required, including: names and phone number of the group.
- Non-profit corporations – those granted tax-exempt status by the IRS under section 501(c)(3) or other tax exempt sections of the Internal Revenue Code
- The Richard Sugden Library Community Room, as well as a smaller meeting area in the building, are available to any local non-profit organization during posted library hours.
- All meetings must be open to the public. The number of attendees must not exceed the maximum set by the Building Inspector and the Fire Chief.
- Each group using the Meeting Room must appoint a member responsible for the meeting/activity and must sign in at the main desk at or before the meeting time.
- Each group using the meeting room is responsible for cleanup.
- Smoking is not permitted in the library.
- Alcohol is not permitted in the library.
- No group, organization, company, or any other entity using the room may charge as a condition of admission to, or participation in, a program, speech, meeting, or any other event, an admission charge or fee, other than a completely voluntary donation.
- The library does not advocate or endorse viewpoints of meeting room users.
The Quiet Study Room is available on the main floor. The Quiet Study Room holds up to 6 people and may be used for up to one hour. If no one is waiting, you may stay longer. The room is not soundproof.
Meeting Room may be reserved in advance (for non-recurring groups).
There are many open areas for reading or studying on the main and 2nd floors. The 2nd floor is reserved for quiet study only. WiFi is available throughout the building.
Museum Passes
Borrow passes for discounts to various museums and MA State Parks. Thank you to the Friends of the Library and the Massachusetts Division of State Parks and Recreation.
Current Entrance Information
Admission: pass admits 4 to a Mass Audubon wildlife sanctuary.
Cost with coupons: Admission is discounted to $2 per visitor over the age of 2.
Information to individual parks:
An 1830s New England Living History Museum. Library pass admits 4 visitors at 50% off regular daytime admission to the Village. Sponsor: Friends of the Richard Sugden Library.
Old Sturbridge Village
Admits: 4 visitors at 50% off regular daytime admission
Cost with pass: adults $15.00, seniors (55 and up) $14.00, youth (2-17) $7.50 (Children age 3 and under free) Prices are correct as of July 2024.
Hours: (July 1, 2024 – September 29, 2024) Wednesday-Sunday: 9:30 – 5
(Sept. 30, 2024 – Nov. 16, 2024) Wednesday-Sunday: 9:30 – 4
Open additional days depending on time of year and school vacations
Hours subject to change: check museum website prior to visiting
Admission: pass admits 2 adults and 2 children in one vehicle (Children under 2 free) at 50% regular admission price
Cost with coupons: adults $10.00, seniors $7.50, children (ages 2-18) $7.00 (prices are correct as of July 2024)
Pass does not include admission or discounts to the Explorer Express Train or Planetarium
Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 10:00am – 5:00pm
- Passes must be shown at venue
- Passes are checked out/returned to the library (except Ecotarium)
Visit the museum website for updated information:
Since its founding in 1896, the Worcester Art Museum has assembled a collection of 38,000 objects: from the ancient Near East and Asia, to European and American paintings and sculptures, and continuing with works by contemporary artists from around the world. WAM has a history of making large scale acquisitions, such as its Medieval Chapter House, the Worcester Hunt Mosaic, its 15th-century Spanish ceiling, and the Flemish Last Judgment tapestry. In 2013, the Museum acquired the John Woodman Higgins Armory Collection, comprising two thousand arms and armor objects.
Worcester Art Museum (WAM)
Admits: 2 adults at 50% off admission
Cost with pass: adults $9.00, seniors (65+) and students with current ID $7.00, ages 17 and under free (prices are correct as of July 2024.)
Admission tickets may be purchased in advance (see website:
Hours: Wednesday–Sunday: 10 – 4
(Check museum website to confirm hours prior to visit)
Current Entrance Information
Admits: up to 2 people at 50% off regular daytime admission
Please note: Our admission prices will be increasing starting July 2024.
Full admission prices are listed below.
Week Day Admission | Weekend Admission | |
Members: FREE | Members: FREE | |
Adults: $20 | Adults: $21 | |
Seniors (65+): $17 | Seniors (65+): $18 | |
Child (age 4-12): $10 | Child (age 4-12): $11 | |
Child (age 3 and under): Free | Child (age 3 and under): Free | |
Dogs: $8 (Learn more about dog walking guidelines) | Dogs: $8 |
Hours: Sunday – Saturday: 10-5 year-round (Check museum website to confirm holiday hours)
The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation “ParksPass” hang-tag entitles the bearer to free parking for one vehicle at over 50 day-use facilities in the State Parks system that charges a fee; not valid for camping. Note: Resident status is determined by the car’s plates. If you are in a car with out-of-state plates, an in-state Parks Pass will be invalid even with an in-state driver’s license. Sponsor: MA Department of Conservation and Recreation.
Present your physical or digital Massachusetts library card at the Admissions Desk to receive a 50% discount on the cardholder’s admission ticket.
This offer is valid for visitors aged 13 and over and the visitor must present a Massachusetts library card to receive the discount. No pass is needed.
Visitors aged 12 and under receive free admission.