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Summer Reading Grade 7 Teacher Letter 2021

June 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians of Incoming Knox Trail Seventh Graders, 

The Knox Trail English Language Arts Department wants to emphasize the importance of reading during these active vacation months by asking that all incoming Knox Trail students participate in the summer reading program.  We know that you share with us the desire for your student to develop a lifelong love of reading; your support of the summer reading program will help us encourage this habit. The summer reading requirement is that all students entering Knox Trail in the fall of 2021 are expected to read two books this summer. 

  1. All incoming 7th grade Knox Trail students are required to read The Giver, by Lois Lowry. 

a. For each chapter of the novel, students should write a one paragraph summary of the events that moved the story forward.   Students should also keep a running list of characters, unfamiliar vocabulary (with page numbers), and any questions that come up during reading.  Upon returning to school, students will participate in a grade-wide project based on the novel. 

While we would love for every student to own his or her own copy of The Giver, there will be copies available on loan at both the Spencer and East Brookfield libraries. Knox Trail will also have limited copies that can be loaned on a two week interval. 

2. Students are also expected to read a second book of their choice, at their reading level, from the Accelerated Reading List (available at town libraries as well as online at Students will take an AR test for their second book during the month of September. Their second book should be no less than 100 pages in length and be a new read for them.

When students return to school, they will be given the opportunity to share their summer reading experiences and work together on grade level projects. Our hope is that the discussion of their summer reads will continue to promote lifelong reading habits and will allow students to learn from their classmates. 

Please don’t hesitate to call the school 508-885-8550 or email if you have any questions or concerns.  

Thank you for your help in supporting our efforts to promote a culture that values independent reading!